Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

Video tutorials of computer programs, a complete demonstration and training in urdu and hindi language. Watch online and download complete video training. Read More

All Keyboard Shortcut Keys for PC

All Keyboard Shortcut Keys for PC

Shortcut keys provide help an quicker and convenient way of navigating and using computer applications. Shortcut key is a key or combination of different keys on computer keyboard that run a specific command or function within a software program or operating system. Read More

Speed up your slow computer

Speed up your slow computer

Speed up your slow computer using simple tricks expalined here. Read More

Slide # 4

Slide # 4

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Slide # 5

Slide # 5

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Friday, September 5, 2014

Madani Panj Surah
Madani Panj Surah is the renowned best Islamic book written by Shaykh-e-Tariqat, Amir-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, the Honourable, Hadrat, ‘Allamah, Maulana Muhammad Ilyās ‘Attar Qādirī Razavī دامت برکاتھم العالیہ is Founder of Dawat-e-Islami. This Panj Surah is published by Maktabat-ul-Madina a department of Dawat-e-Islami.
In this book a Splendid collection of renowned Quranic Surahs, Salawat Al-Nabi and spirirtual and Medical cures along with innumerable glimmering Madani pearls. Download and must read this useful book.

مدنی پنج سورہ شیخ طریقت، امیر اھلسنت، بانیٔ دعوت اسلامی، حضرت علامہ مولانا محمد الیاس عطار قادری رضوی دامت برکاتہم العالیہ کی مایۂ ناز تصنیف ہے۔ جو کہ دعوت اسلامی کے اشاعتی ادرہ مکتبۃ المدینہ نے شائع کی ہے۔
یہ کتاب مشہور قرانی سورتوں،درودوں،روحانی و طبی علاجوں اور خوشبو دار مدنی پھولوں کا دلچسپ مدنی گلدستہ ہے۔ تمام وزٹرز سے التجا ہے کہ اس کو ڈاوٗن لوڈ کرکے لازمی پڑھیئے اور خوب استفادہ حاصل کیجئے۔