Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

Video Tutorials in Urdu and Hindi

Video tutorials of computer programs, a complete demonstration and training in urdu and hindi language. Watch online and download complete video training. Read More

All Keyboard Shortcut Keys for PC

All Keyboard Shortcut Keys for PC

Shortcut keys provide help an quicker and convenient way of navigating and using computer applications. Shortcut key is a key or combination of different keys on computer keyboard that run a specific command or function within a software program or operating system. Read More

Speed up your slow computer

Speed up your slow computer

Speed up your slow computer using simple tricks expalined here. Read More

Slide # 4

Slide # 4

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Slide # 5

Slide # 5

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts Read More

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Keyboard Shortcut Keys for MS Excel

Keyboard Shortcut Keys for MS Excel
MS Excel is a cell contained spreadsheet software. There are many Keyboard Shortcut Keys to execute the command of Excel. Below are listed all the Keyboard Shortcut Keys for MS Excel.

Shortcut key Description
Ctrl + ↑
Move to first cell of column
Ctrl + ↓
Move to last cell of column
Ctrl + →
Move to last cell of Row
Ctrl + ←
Move to first cell of Row
Ctrl + Home key
Move to first cell of the Sheet
Alt + =
Insert auto sum
Display the “Go To”dialogue box
Cancel a cell enrty
Ctrl + ;
Enter date
Ctrl + Shift + :
Enter time
Ctrl + 1
Display the”Format cell”dialogue Box
Alt + Page Down
Move one Screen to the Right
Alt + Page Up
Move one Screen to the Left
Ctrl + Shift + &
Apply the outline Border
Ctrl + Shift + -
Remove the outline Border
Ctrl + 5
Apply or Remove strick through Formating
Ctrl + 9
Hide Row
Ctrl + Shift + (
Unhide Row
Ctlr + 0
Hide column
Ctrl + Shift + )
Unhide column
Ctrl + Space Bar
Select the entire column
Shift + Space Bar
Select the entire Row
Shift + F11
Insert a new Worksheet
Alt + Shift + F1
Insert a new Worksheet
Ctrl + Plus
Insert a column or Row in a worksheet
Ctrl + -
Remove a column or Row in a worksheet
Ctrl + Page Down
Move to a next sheet in a workbook
Ctrl + Page Up
Move to previous sheet in a workbook
Page Down
Move Down one screen
Page Up
Move Up one screen
Ctrl + D
Fill Down
Ctrl + R
Fill Right
Edit a active cell
Ctrl + Tab
Move another open workbook

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